Talking to a stranger 

As the train departed the platform, a young lady sat down in the seat beside me. She smiled and I went back to reading my magazine.

As more passengers boarded at the next station, a young gentleman approached the the lady sitting next to me and said hello. She smiled and responded and went back to scrolling through her iPhone.

He then asked if she was going to work or uni, and she once again politely replied she was heading to uni, and left it at that.

At this point I thought they may have known one another, but the next few questions made me shelve that logic. 

He asked if she had a boyfriend and then if she was living at home. Her replies were more blunt and it was obvious she didn’t know this guy from a bar of soap.

The next question had me doing a double take. He asked how much rent she paid. Her response was that it was a personal matter. He nodded and moved away and got off at the next station.

Once he was off, she looked at me, shrugged, smiled and went back to her iPhone.

It’s times like this that we shouldn’t talk to strangers. 

Nonetheless, a very interesting way to start my day, to say the least. 

A change of musical tastes 

As I sat on the train heading home from the city, an elderly Asian gentleman sat down next to me for the remaining few stations of my trip.

The train was crowded with school aged children and adults heading home on the earlier train.

It was a little strange when he turned on the music on his iPhone and began listening to his cultural music.

Nice music I thought, but where are your headphones? They never made an appearance for the next few stations, so I enjoyed a musical taste of Asia.

I didn’t mind, but the school kids did give him a few strange looks. Hoping the remainder of his trip home was musically infused.

Are you listening?

During one of my train trips home, i settled back into a seat opposite an elderly couple, took out my iPhone and headphones and plugged in so I could listen to the sounds of the 80s once again and chill out after another long and frustrating day at the office.

Even though I had my music playing, it was on low enough to overhear the following  conversation between the elderly couple.

Wife: Hand me your phone.
Husband looks at her for a moment and hands phone over to his wife.

Wife plays on the phone for a few moments and then asks. Have you changed the password to the website?

Husband: Looking a little annoyed. No. I tried getting in and the password didn’t work so I tried to change it.

Wife: Shakes her head and sighs out loudly. So you changed it?

Husband: No. I tried and still couldn’t get in.

Wife: What did you change the password to?

Husband: Summer25

Wife: Now very agitated. So you changed it to Summer25?

Husband: No. I tried to change it but it failed.

Wife tries new password and it works.

Wife: You changed the password.

Husband: No. I tried to change the password.

Wife: The password is now Summer25

Husband: Looking a little confused. When did the password change?

Wife shakes her head and hands phone back.

Train Amusement

Some people can amuse themselves just about anywhere it seems. And on a train is just another place to have a laugh.

As I headed home one evening on the ever efficient metro train system, I sat across from a guy who was watching a video on his iPhone. He had his earphones plugged in so not to disturb the other passengers.

I’m guessing it must have been a really good video, as every few minutes and he would snort out loud (SOL).

Not that this was a real concern, but the fact that he kept dipping his hand into a brown paper bag and pulling out munchies did make me wonder what else he would do on the train to keep himself amused.

I guess I will keep a lookout for him over the coming weeks.

Never Judge a Book by its Cover

After being cooped up in the house for over seven weeks, it was time I ventured out into the wilds. Well, at least the wilds of Eastland. 
So with a start time set and bus timetable sorted, I headed off into the cold for my first road trip. 
Apart from the bus arriving 10 minutes late, and the light drizzle, the day was off to a good start. My MYKI card still worked and the bus was much warmer than the cold bus stop. 
The bus trip was exactly as I remembered; boring. But it did get me to the station where I only had to wait 11 minutes for the next train. I looked over at the small coffee shop inside the station and decided it would be best if I waited for my coffee.  
Once the train arrived, close enough to its scheduled time, I boarded and headed to the disabled seats. They are a little wider and have a straighter back. 

With only two stops to my destination, I waited as passengers boarded at the next stop. And that is where I received a dirty look from a middle aged woman as she looked at me sitting in the disabled seats. I had no crutches or walking stick and I seemed fit and healthy. So why should I be taking up these particular seats.  
Sometimes a person may not seem like they are hurt, injured or broken in any shape or form, but they may be hurting in a way not seen by others. She couldn’t see my back brace and thought I was being inconsiderate. 
A few words would have cleared the air and I wouldn’t have had to put up with her filthy look for the next few minutes. 
Just because a person may not look hurt in any way, it never hurts to ask. Are you OK? The response may actually surprise you and a difficult situation can be resolved quickly.